Glass studio Erikshyttan

Erikshyttan in Eriksmåla is a favorite place to visit in Småland. We passed the shop several times. It was never open,
but we could see lovely pieces on the shelves. Later we learned that Lars Sö(rensen) blows glass in the barn behind
the shop. We now carry coffee and sandwiches, sneak into the barn if it is open, and eat breakfast until he looks up
and sees us and takes a break. The barn is full of treasures including iron stoves that Lars restores. Photo from 2007.

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Eriksmala glass 05Andy Woods from Brussels visits almost as often as we do.

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Visit to the shop in 2002 with Leila, Dan and Annette’s mother.

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2007. A plate with a design by Maja Cunningham.

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2010. The slab for an extension of the shop.

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Inside the shop 2010. Annette, Leila and Andy.

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2011. Lars wrapping a new piece by Maja Cunningham. It has her jazz motif. Lars used new colours for the plate.

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April 2013. Kathy and Vernon Chock visiting from Hawaii. Construction is underway so the items were stacked in
a corner of the shop and covered in construction dust. See the wood-burning iron stoves in the background.

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The thatch roof has been sold. Living space is added on top at the back.

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Vernon and Lars inspecting the extension. What is he measuring?

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The state of construction in April 2013. The barn where glass is produced is the red building to the right.

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The shop extended, June 2013.

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Melissa Kari Wong and Brian Ford with Lars, June 2013.

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Sasa and Zlata Krapez from Belgrade, Serbia, August 2013.

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