Musee de Prehistoire Tautavel

The museum for prehistory in Tautavel, southern France, displays European Neandertal that lived here about
400,000 years ago, and archeological remains found in a cave nearby. You need at least 1.5 hours for a visit.
Note that except during the summer months, the museum closes for lunch and visitors must leave.

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The entrance

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Although all displays use French, there are audio phones with many languages, including English and German.

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The first display room

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One of several displays of life-size Neandertals

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The graph shows that the European Neandertal lived here about 416,000 years ago.

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Bone fragments of many animals that lived here are shown. The museum gives
good insight into what life was like for the people who lived here 400,000 years ago.

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Bone fragments from musk ox

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Butchering a mouflon sheep with stone tools.

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Bone fragments from a brown bear, Ursus deninger, that lived in Europe between 1,7 million and 100,000 years ago.

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Bone fragments from mouflon sheep

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What it looked like when the archeologists discovered the cave where all bones and tools on display were found.

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Diorama of daily life.

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Rhinos were common in Europe at the time, as were elephants and mammoths.

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Tools found

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A skeleton and displays of bone fragments found.

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There is a large room with drawings of animals and the Neandertals.

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The museum gift shop with a special section of copies of artifacts from the time.

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